I dare you to disappear for a year – Elon Musk

0:27 I am just trying to think about the future and not be sad

0:32 This is something important to get done or die trying. I do not need a source of strength.

0:55 Tesla was the most shortest stock in the history of stock markets. They wanted Tesla to die so bad they could taste it.

1:19 Just work like hell, put in 80-100 hours / week to improve your odds of success.

1:31 What can you do to encourage entrepreneurs to start companies? If you need encouragement, do not start a company.

2:14 I slept on the floor in the Tesla factories so the teams going through a hard time could see me, that I was not in some ivory tower. 3 years of hell: 2017, 18, 19.

3:03 At this point, I think I know more about car manufacturing than any one currently alive on Earth.

5:58 The people you want as leaders are the people who do not want to be leaders

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