All Heartbeat Photos features – No fluff

Everything in Heartbeat Photos, no fluff.

Reorder your thumbnails by drag-and-drop (George missed this feature in the video)

0:08 Upload photos by drag-and-drop from desktop or mobile
0:42 R rotates photos, Q moves thumbnails
0:53 Keyboard shortcuts – Press ? or click ?
1:36 Share photos by copying URL
1:49 Hold Ctrl of zoomed-in image to copy URL for sharing zoomed-in portion, like Google Maps
2:12 T toggles Theater mode, hides all UI
2:29 V toggles Grid view
2:42 C toggles Click mode to disable hover-shows-big-image
3:08 I toggles image info (details) sidebar
3:26 G F toggles File menu (hamburger menu)
3:43 H adds current photo to Favorites
3:59 Click logo to return to Home page
4:04 Uncheck “My galleries” to see other’s galleries
4:15 Public, Unlisted, Private galleries
5:02 Trash undeletes photos
5:15 Search
6:17 Download photos by right-click
6:58 Slideshow
7:16 Restore default settings
7:21 G H flips photo horizontally
7:26 G V flips photo vertically
7:33 Why G
7:51 Heartbeat is more than Photos, also Moments and Writing
9:01 What is Heartbeat?
10:13 Join us! Heartbeat is a creator’s wet dream and the YouTube that once was
11:28 Follow my heartbeat – George Vanous
12:06 Heartbeat is a social network
12:59 250,000+ views after adding my video on Heartbeat


Follow my Heartbeat (George is the creator and host of this video and viki)

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