Your videos suck – Mr. Beast advice to get more views to YOUR videos

Your videos suck.

Let’s all be honest and admit that is true.

Here is what you should do to make your videos rock, according to Mr. Beast, the world’s biggest YouTuber today!

0:18Summarized all Mr. Beast interviews to save you time from doing the same
0:43Inspiration, start with a single random word
1:31Well of knowledge needs to constantly expand
3:31Titles, not just short, creates desire and curiosity to watch it
9:29First 10 seconds is the most important to hook your audience
15:02Retention needs to be 70% or higher
15:19Retention advice
15:43Do not use just one camera, use B cam, C cam with different host camera angles to keep it visually interesting
16:42Add side stories to keep longer videos interesting
16:52Side story examples for a 15 minute video
20:12 Mr. Beast grew after joining with four small YouTubers hyper-studying together every day how to grow faster as daily masterminds

Key points

  • Have a fantastic hook (first 10 seconds is the most important)
  • Remove every dull moment
  • Get roasted by others (constructive criticism)
  • See where people get bored by watching people watching your videos
  • Use 3 cameras (B cam, C cam) 📹15:43 and switch between them to keep it visually interesting
  • Add side stories 📹16:52 in longer videos to keep the audience engaged with unexpected twists
  • Have a big payoff at the end (with good pacing along the way so viewers feel satisfied throughout and especially at the end)

Why does hitting 70% audience retention matter so much?

At its core, YouTube wants people to click on a video and watch it for a long time

The more you study the YouTube algorithm, you are actually studying human psychology. What do humans want to watch, what do they enjoy?

Replace “algorithm” with “audience”. The algorithm did not like my video. No. The audience did not like my video. The algorithm just picked up on that.

📹19:10 If people are clicking and watching, your video gets promoted more.

If people are watching 70% of your video, YouTube will recommend it to more people.

📹20:12 Mr. Beast grew after joining with four small YouTubers hyper-studying together every day how to grow faster as daily masterminds for 1,000 days in a row.

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